We’re redefining metal recycling.

Working with metal comes with a downside: waste. As much as 20% of metal is wasted in manufacturing – with swarf ending up on floors, stored in waste containers or, even worse, in landfills. Sun Metalon’s technology recycles that waste into profit – all on-site with zero CO2 emissions.

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The future of metal recycling

  • Group 30.svg

    Built for any size business

  • Group 31.svg

    On-site recycling, no third-party vendors, no storage

  • Group 32.svg

    Effective at reclaiming what was once waste


Venus -L6


Introducing Venus

A metal recycling technology that transforms contaminated, low-value swarf into pristine, high-value metal.

Product Specifications

On-site Units

The six-furnace Venus-L6 hits the sweet spot for many foundries and machine shops.


Singular Unit

With it's modular design, the furnace system is scalable to your needs – now and in the future.


Dry Briquettes Produced

Contaminated metal pucks are recycled into clean, dry pucks, composed of the original alloy, that are ready for the melt pool.


Zero-CO2 emissions processing

Sun Metalon's metal recycling process produces zero CO2 emissions.


Metal Upcycling


  • Sludge
  • Swarf
  • Chips
  • Turnings

The output? Reusable dry briquettes.

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SM-Aluminum-Cutout - 2.png
SM-Bronze-Cutout - 2.png

Stay in touch for more information.

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Our mission is simple.

Metal production is long overdue for a wake-up call. Today, across the industry, up to 20% of metal is lost during manufacturing. That's unacceptable. We believe you should stop treating your swarf like trash, and start treating it like an asset. Now, with Sun Metalon's recycling technology, you can.

Our Company



Your Metal

You pay for all the metal used in your manufacturing process. But a surprising amount of that metal winds up as scrap, in waste bins, or in landfills. Stop tossing profit out the window – recapture and recycle your metal waste, and bolster your bottom line in the process.


Your Independence

Finally, you can control your own destiny when it comes to dealing with rapidly fluctuating steel and aluminum costs. Sun Metalon's proprietary technology allows you to recapture, recycle, and reuse your metal waste on-site and on your schedule, and with zero compromise in metal chemistry.


Your World

Allowing the metal you buy to go to waste isn't just bad for business, it's bad for the planet. But it doesn't have to be that way. With Sun Metalon's CO2-free recycling technology, you can keep contaminated metal swarf out of landfills – and keep more money in your pocket – while giving Mother Earth a much-needed break.